Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Rough Day

Okay, so please let me apologize for being MIA today. I wanted this blog to be a way to document life's chaotic encounters and everyday craziness. Today was definitely a hectic, what-else-can-go-wrong kind of day. Here's how it all went down:

  • My brother was supposed to drive us to our workouts. My mom told me mine started at 11, and his at 12, but my brother was adamant that mine was at 12, and his was at 1. We wanted our mom to confirm with trainer, but her office was in training and I simply just couldn't get ahold of her. So, me being me, I made my brother drive us to her office, where we claimed Stephen was right, and my mother was wrong. Therefore, leaving us stuck at a dental office for an hour. Then, I went to exercise, left feeling like I'd been run over by a truck.
  • After my workout, I ordered the wrong salad for lunch, so that was that.
  • My phone's volume up button has been broken since I took it out of the box, but finally got around to bringing it into the apple store. We had it insured, so they were going to replace it, but I wanted to go home and ensure that all my pictures were saved, before I got a new one.
  • I must have pressed the wrong button on the computer because then I lost all my pictures and every text and phone call on my phone was from 2011... Odd right?? 
  • Then, I had to go for 2 hours being completely disconnected from the world. It was beyond words terrible. (Okay, so maybe I am being a wee-bit dramatic...) 
  • Before I could replace the phone, I had an acupuncture appointment. I was so tense that the massage afterwards literally was the most painful encounter of my life... ( more with the dramatics...)
  • It's almost 10 o'clock here and all of the phone mess is sorted out, besides my pictures and every bone in my body.
All in all, I guess the day could've been a lot worse, but I can laugh about it now. I hope you all had a better day than I had, or else made some memories and had some laughs. Have a wonderful week.

I leave for a weeklong vacation on Thursday and haven't begun to pack. Let's see how this plays out.

Sarah Beth

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